Information about ICPO

Chairman of the Commission
and Contracting Party delegations in the ICPO


The chairmanship in the ICPO is held by each Contracting Party delegation in turn for a three-year term. The delegation holding the chairmanship in the ICPO for a given period designates the chairman of the Commission for that period. The Chairman represents the Commission and chairs ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the Commission and ICPOs heads of delegation meetings.

During the first period of the ICPO’s operation, that includes the "interim period" (1996 – 1999), the chairmanship of the ICPO was held by the Delegation of the Republic of Poland. During this period, the position of the Chairman of the Commission was held by Leszek Bagiński (1996 – 1998) and Radosław Gawlik (01.1999 – 08.2000). After the ratification of the Agreement concerning of the ICPO, the Delegation of the Republic of Poland took the chairmanship of the ICPO for a three-year term as the first one and Janusz Zaleski was appointed as the Chairman of the ICPO (08.2000 – 12.2001). In 2002, the Chairman of the ICPO was handed over to the next Delegation in the ICPO and the function of the President of the ICPO were held by:


Period of the

Person acting
as the Chairman of the ICPO
Delegation holding
the Presidency
of the ICPO

2002 – 2004

Jaroslav Kinkor

Czech Republic

2005 – 2007

Thomas Stratenwerth

Federal Republic of Germany

2008 – 2010

Mariusz Gajda / Janusz Zaleski*

Republic of Poland

2011 – 2013

Pavel Punčochář

Czech Republic

2014 – 2016

Heide Jekel

Federal Republic of Germany

2017 – 2019

Iwona Koza / Joanna Kopczyńska**

Republic of Poland

2020 – 2022

Daniel Pokorný

Czech Republic

* from 09.01.2008 to 31.12.2010
** from 29.03.2019 to 31.12.2019



On 5th December 2022 there was an official handover of the chairmanship in the ICPO between the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. Mrs. Heide Jekel was appointed as the Chairman of the Commission for the 2023-2025 term.


Chairman of the ICPO:

Mrs. Heide Jekel –

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection in Bonn




Composition of Polish delegation:
Surname Name Institution Position
Niemiec-Butryn Monika

Ministerstwo Infrastruktury,


Head of delegation



Ministerstwo Infrastruktury, Warszawa

member of delegation

Gruszecki Przemysław

Państwowe Gospodarstwo

Wodne Wody Polskie

Krajowy Zarząd Gospodarki

Wodnej, Warszawa

member of delegation
Duklanowski Marek

Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie,

Regionalny Zarząd Gospodarki Wodnej

w Szczecinie

member of delegation
Przybylski Mariusz

Państwowe Gospodarstwo

Wodne Wody Polskie
Regionalny Zarząd Gospodarki

Wodnej we Wrocławiu

member of delegation




Composition of German delegation:
Surname Name Institution Position
Klein Benjamin

Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz, Bonn

Head of


Herrmann Anke

Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Klimaschutz des Landes Brandenburg, Potsdam

member of


Dreibrodt Janek

Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Klimaschutz des Landes Brandenburg, Potsdam

member of


Wey Jennifer K.

Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr, Bonn

member of





Composition of Czech delegation:
Surname Name Institution Position
Záruba Lukáš

Ministerstvo životního

prostředí ČR, Praha

Head of


Faigl Ladislav

Ministerstvo zemědělství ČR, Praha

deputy head of


Soldán Přemysl

Výzkumný ústav

vodohospodářský, T.G.M., v.v.i.

member of


Váňová Lenka

Ministerstvo životního

prostředí ČR, Praha

member of





The annual statement of accounts is audited by three auditors proposed by the delegations and appointed by the Commission for a three-year term of office. Currently, this function is performed by: Andrzej Żyłajtys for the Polish delegation, Lukas Kehlenbach for the German delegation and Zuzana Ševčíková for the Czech delegation.

Last update: 2024.04.29